The Genius of the Body

“As one can see most obviously in gifted athletes and performers, the body itself can be a source of knowledge — coordination, grace, agility, stamina, skill — both intuitive and learned. Indeed, there are a rare few who might be called Einsteins of the body — geniuses at inventing, expressing, and employing movement.”
Bill Hayes

Your body is full of wisdom, potential, power and love.
It can be realised and released by listening deeply and leading courageously.


Take some time to be still and silent
Feel your body breathing
Allow the in breath to expand awareness through your body
As you breath out let go any tension and allow awareness to flow through you.
After 3 - 15 minutes of stillness invite movement into the practice.
Open to the possibility of being guided by the breath and the body (this may take some practice).
After 15 minutes of moving in this way move on with your day - with a gentle effort of staying embodied.
