Tune into the Wisdom of your Body

"In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past."

Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

Our bodies are gateways to the present moment, vehicles that carry us through the world and containers that we often get lost in (they are also much more then words can convey).

Disconnection from our bodies, leaves us disconnected from the world, lost in thought and stuck in our heads.

Reconnecting to our bodies can be a therapeutic rest for the mind and nervous system, a way of opening more fully to our experience and shifting our perspective and a way of re-engaging with a wisdom and intuition that is largely ignored and trampled by the modern world.


three ways to connect with your body

  1. Workout - if you're feeling high energy or want to build more energy workout. Lift some weights, run, dance, jump, play - get into your body and notice what it's like to move in a vigorous challenging but safe way.

  2. Mindful Movement - sometimes our bodies are tired and minds are wired. In moments like this engaging in low impact, low energy movements - like yin yoga, tai chi. or just gentle, slow, nurturing movements - can be a beautiful healing retreat from the noise of the mind.

  3. Stillness / Listening - meditating on a still body can be  surprisingly challenging and empowering. Simply sit with the experience of stillness and notice what comes up in the body and mind for 3 - 15 minutes.