"Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within.

It is self-generated and self-perpetuated.

Resistance is the enemy within."

        ― from The War of Art. By Steven Pressfield   

Right now as I sit and write this I sit with resistance.

The resistance is presenting as frustration and doubt.

The resistance is commenting on my poor planning, my lack of integrity, the uselessness of this work.

The resistance is working to convince me that it's too hard, not worth it, a waste of time, that I should do one of the other tasks on my list.

Thanks to Steven Pressfield for introducing me to "Resistance".

When we are able to give a name to the collection of excuses, thoughts, feelings and impulses that hold us back and get in the way of what we are called to do, it makes it easy to dis-identify with those parts of our experience so we can choose how to respond.

By recognising and naming "resistance" you get to acknowledge "I am more than my thoughts, feelings, impulses.", "I can lean into my experience and state of being without being controlled by it."

This subtle shift in perspective can transform your state and unlock your potential.


Next time you don't feel like doing something that you really want to do write down or name all the excuses why you don't want to do it.

Then state 1 - 3 reason (the fewer the better) why you will.

Next do the thing and know you are more than that which try's to hold you back.

Bonus exercise - Thanks resistance.

Will is Skill. Resistance is the ground upon which the skill of will us cultivated.
