“And do thy duty, even it be humble, rather than another's, even if it be great. To die in ones duty is life, to live in another is death."
 Bhagavad Gita


Many of us live full lives 
 But how many live fulfilling lives? 

 In a world full of hype it's easy to see what others are doing and feel that we are less than, that we are not doing enough or fulfilling our potential. 
 The truth is your potential will never be fulfilled, that's the beautiful thing about it, there's always room to grow. 

 But if you're too focused on what you're not doing,
 you'll miss what you are doing 
 & spend your life being very busy chasing ghosts. 


 A simple but profound shift you can make is to know your roles. 
 Recognise the roles you play in your life, 
 explore why they are meaningful to you,
 choose how you want to play those roles &
 practice playing them wholeheartedly. 
