The way to unlock that treasure is not by waiting for it to re-appear - but by working diligently so when it comes you catch it.
The work you do when you're "uninspired" creates a habit to take best advantage of inspiration when it strikes.
How will you overcome that resistance?
Noticing Beyond Knowing
“In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few.”
Sunryu Suzuki
If the cup is full nothing more can enter.
Knowledge is power
But if your knowledge stops you from listening, limits your thinking or stops your from opening your mind/heart
Then that power is being used against you.
Ponder this
If you could free yourself from “knowing” what might you notice?
“It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits.”
― Ellen J. Langer
& tune into life!!
Remember Legends
How you perceive the world (& yourself) shapes your experience.
One aspect of mental fitness is the practice of seeing stress, challenges & obstacles as opportunities.
When you do this consistently you are much more able to accept situations as they are & orient to what is possible, positive & purposeful rather than being stuck in resistance.
One practice that is super helpful in reminding us that we are more than our initial reactions to a situation is to STOP-ing.
Next time you notice you're stressed or facing a challenge take a moment to …….
S - stop -or at least pause for long to enough to ....
T - take a deep breath (or 3)- this can help down regulate your stress response (even just a little bit)
O -open to/ observe you experience - what are you thinking? how are you feeling? how are you experiencing your body? what impulses are present? what does the situation require of you?
P -proceed purposefully. How would the best version of you respond to this situation? What attitude would best serve you? What action would best serve you?
STOP-ing becomes much more available if we practice each of its components on there own.
Stopping, slowing down, taking moments to pause throughout the day can help us break autopilot & notice the state we are in.
Taking a deep breath- as a meditative practice for 3 - 30 minutes daily can be powerful tool for training attention and shifting your state
Observing your body via body-scans can deepen you relationship with your body and help you "get out of your head".
P - doing the deep work of knowing your purpose & priorities, who you want to be, how you want to live - will empower you with a guiding light you can orient to as you move through your day**.
1. make time for a 3- 30 minute meditation on the breath &/or a body-scan meditation (guided practices here)
2. Take time to pause throughout the day and tune it with your experience - notice thoughts, feelings, the body & the world around you.
From this space of observation choose a skillful response.
3. notice how you perceive certain situations and ask yourself if there's a "better" way of framing it that you can orient to.
**If you want to explore your Vision & Values join SOUL Sanctuary this - we will be doing a live call on Wednesday to uncover some of these guiding lights.
"Coursing through every civilization are the myths that shape what its people come to believe about reality and possibility.
Some of them are healing and some damaging.
Some are easy to recognize for what they are.
But some are more subtle, more pernicious, permeating the substratum of culture and the marrow of the psyche."
Our Beliefs shape the way we see the world.
Some beliefs are chosen, they are convictions that you orient too in moments of strength & devotion & fall away from in moments of weakness & distraction.
Most beliefs we don’t even notice, they are products of how you make sense of your culture & conditioning
If you can notice the habits of mind that shape the way you see the world then you have an opportunity to see beyond the limits of belief to the possibility of a better way.
What is a belief that is holding you back?
What’s it like to observe this belief?
If you were to let go of this belief what might be possible?
If you didn't belief it what could you see?
What is a belief that if practiced and made real would influence you in a positive way?
What can you do today in service of that belief?
Are you open to seeing beliefs that are currently invisible to you?
How might you see them?
“He who cannot obey himself will be commanded”
If we are not careful our tools become our masters.
One of my Brothers asked me about a self lead meditation practice.
This is an empowering step in our meditation journey - when we choose to free ourselves from the guidance of an app and tune into ourselves instead of our phone.
Here a some simple instructions to cultivate your own practice.
Choose a simple practice - breath into your belly**
Commit to it for a certain amount of time (time within practice & schedule for consistent practice).
Set a timer and do it - breath into your belly.
Every time you notice you’re doing something else -come back to breathing at the belly
If you notice frustration, impatience, doubt, boredom, bliss, joy, peace name that as part of your experience & come back to the breath at the belly.
If you notice that you’re constantly distracted & find it hard to focus understand that -this is the work, this is the way.
Gently and firmly come back to the breath at the belly.
When the timer goes off take a moment to reflect on the practice.
What did you notice?
How does it feel to have practiced in this way?
Have a mindful day.
**The simplicity of this practice is what makes it “hard” for many of us to commit to - but the sensitivity & equanimity that arises from the practice can have a profound impact on how we relate to ourselves our people and our projects.
"But if you are engaging in spiritual practice your attitude is very important, it bleeds through all our practice; it may be the key conditioning factor in your study.
So you need to pay attention to it, and to cultivate it in a particular direction."
Zokestu Norman Fischer
"Set" is the mindset we take into our meditation practice.
Theoretically it doesn't really matter the mindset we bring into practice - if we stick with it the practice it will do it's thing.
But practically it can be very helpful to cultivate an attitude that supports our practice.
This is true in meditation & in almost any practice we engage in.
Before you engage in a task - be it meditation, training, connecting with family
What attitude might support me in this moment?
"Focusing is a choice.
Refocusing is a skill."
Michael Gervais
Distraction does not equal failure - as long as you refocus
Falling of the path does not mean you're a failure - as long as you come back to the path.
Not living up to your standards sometimes is ok - in just means you have standards that test you.
Loosing your way is part of the journey.
It's almost inevitable.
How you choose to respond is the defining factor.
When you loose focus this week how will you respond?
How will you notice you're loosing focus before it's lost and what will you to re-align?
"Nature loves courage.
You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles.
Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up.
This is the trick.
This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood.
This is how magic is done.
By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed."
Terence McKenna
What would you commit to if this were true?
If there were such a thing as magic.
If obstacles were removed
If the "abyss" was a featherbed
What would you commit to if the universe was on your side?
Perhaps an even more powerful question if what would you commit to if it wasn't true?
What would be worth the risk of failure?
"We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power.
Then will our world know the blessings of peace."
William E Gladstone
Sometimes the loving act is to push,
Sometimes the loving act is to pull back.
Sometimes love listens deeply,
Sometimes it leads courageously.
Sometimes love is passive.
Sometimes very active.
Sometimes love shares
Sometimes it holds back.
Real Love always moves it's target toward wholeness & wellness
even though it doesn't always feel like it.
What would love do right now?
Is not an invitation to take the easy way out it's a reminder of the, sometimes hidden, force that empowers you to do what you believe to be right (even when you don't feel like).
Next time you feel stuck or are unsure of what to do, next time you need guidance, next time you feel exhausted or overcome by emotion ask yourself
“To learn to be always in a state of meditation means never to let your vital energy wane."
Suzuki Shosan
Your time and energy are precious
- and they are running out.
Your people, your projects and your potential need you.
How will you show up for them?
What can & will you do this week to cultivate & honour your vital energy?
(Put a different way - What will you do to build & restore your energy? How will you use that energy?)
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,"
Theodore Roosevelt
Anytime you strive for growth, for change, for greatness (whatever that means to you), you are likely to hear critical voices.
Some of those voices might be real, others perceived, often the harshest & most cutting critical voices come from within.
Doubt, despair, fear & judgement can be the catalyst for harsh words, warnings & criticisms about your ability to shine.
These critical voices, whether real or perceived, can make it a lot harder to do the work it takes effect positive change.
They can hold you in more comfortable, familiar ways of being.
The question is what is worth overcoming these critical voices for?
What arena will you step into?
What is worth the risk of failure?
What is worth the price of success?
If you were filled with courage what would you do?
What can you do this week to make that happen?
"Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals.
How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be?
Your nobler self cannot wait any longer."
Blessing comes from prayer.
The most potent kind of prayer is action, hard work.
The most empowering blessing is to work toward a worthy ideal.
To answer the call of your soul, your heart, you conscience.
What's one thing you you could do in the next day or so that is an expression of who you really want to be?
"The more disciplined your environment is, the less disciplined you need to be. Don't swim upstream."
James Clear
In a blue print for greatness we talk about Preparing yourself and your environment to help make your plan come to life.
In meditation, and many other healing modalities, we talk about set & setting, the state of mind & environment we practice in.
In the kingdom of Soul-train we set up the gym so that a workout flows seamlessly.
By taking the time to organise your environment, both internal and external, to support your discipline you make it easier to access you genius, step into flow and perform at your best.
How can best prepare yourself and environment to be at your best this week?
"Awakening to the truth is a deep realisation of what you are as an experience.
What is it that is listening?
What is it that is feeling?
Feel it.
Sense it.
Welcome it."
Meditation is a practice of awakening
Awakening to the experience that you call you
Tuning in and noticing what it's like to be.
This simple practice can have profound implications.
It can allow you to see where you are stuck & move beyond.
It can allow you to see through who you think you are,
to see how you're seeing and how that's shaping you.
You are much more and much less then you imagine.
Tuning In
The tuning in practice is an opportunity to deliberately pay attention to the present moment.
It’s simply taking the time to notice what is making up your experience right now.
Start by taking 1 - 3 belly breaths.
What do you notice around you?
What can you see? .......... hear? ........ smell? ............. feel? ............... taste?..........
What's happening inside of you?
What thoughts are present? How do you notice your thoughts?
Are you experiencing any emotions or feelings? If so where do you feel? How do you notice them?
What about your body? Can you feel the sensations your body? Maybe you can feel the sensations of your breath?
Notice if these -thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations - related in anyway?Notice if they are shaping the way you’re experiencing yourself and the world?
What's it like to open to your experience in this way?
"The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colours, which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever-moving thoughts."
James Allen
Through what lens are you viewing the world?
You perceive the world through your thoughts, emotions, moods, physical sensations and cultural norms.
These perceptions shape your reality.
To hold too tightly to &/or not recognise your point of view is to limit your sense of the world.
Meditation can be a way of seeing the lenses that shape your view.
It can loosen "fixed" view points and expand your perspective.
This can empower you with an orientation to
curiosity over criticism
a willingness to understand rather than assume.
Tuning In
The tuning in practice is an opportunity to deliberately pay attention to the present moment.
It’s simply taking the time to notice what is making up your experience right now.
Start by taking 1 - 3 belly breaths.
What do you notice around you?
What can you see? .......... hear? ........ smell? ............. feel? ............... taste?..........
What's happening inside of you?
What thoughts are present? How do you notice your thoughts?
Are you experiencing any emotions or feelings? If so where do you feel? How do you notice them?
What about your body? Can you feel the sensations your body? Maybe you can feel the sensations of your breath?
Notice if these -thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations - related in anyway?
Notice if they are shaping the way you’re experiencing yourself and the world?
What's it like to open to your experience in this way?
"You do not have to fight with your nature, habits and limitations, because by doing so, you are creating animosity within yourself."
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
The way to harmony is to make peace with chaos.
When you practice being still and opening to fully to yourself in any given moment you're practicing meditation.
Beyond resistance, boredom, impulse and wondering if "am I doing this right?"
is a state of knowing that becomes the meditative state.
To require complete obedience of our internal world is to be forever seeking.
To follow every thought and impulse is to be forever distracted.
To accept whatever is an be unmoved by it is the beginning of seeing.
Harmony will follow.
“A genius is the one most like himself.”
Thelonious Monk
Not all who wander are lost.