“He who cannot obey himself will be commanded”

If we are not careful our tools become our masters.

One of my Brothers asked me about a self lead meditation practice.

This is an empowering step in our meditation journey - when we choose to free ourselves from the guidance of an app and tune into ourselves instead of our phone.

Here a some simple instructions to cultivate your own practice.


Choose a simple practice - breath into your belly**

Commit to it for a certain amount of time (time within practice & schedule for consistent practice).

Set a timer and do it - breath into your belly.

Every time you notice you’re doing something else -come back to breathing at the belly

If you notice frustration, impatience, doubt, boredom, bliss, joy, peace name that as part of your experience & come back to the breath at the belly.

If you notice that you’re constantly distracted & find it hard to focus understand that -this is the work, this is the way.
Gently and firmly come back to the breath at the belly.

When the timer goes off take a moment to reflect on the practice.

What did you notice?
How does it feel to have practiced in this way?

Have a mindful day.

**The simplicity of this practice is what makes it “hard” for many of us to commit to - but the sensitivity & equanimity that arises from the practice can have a profound impact on how we relate to ourselves our people and our projects.