The Tiger and The Monk

"Without the monk the tiger is a slave to impulse.

Without the tiger the monks freedom is trapped within."

Within each of us there is a tiger and a monk.

The tiger is one with the world. Physically and mentally fit, intuitively responding to the world from a place of personal power, majesty and greatness.
Master of their domain.

The monk is one with the world. Spiritually fit. Wisely responding to the world operating from a place of oneness, love and equanimity.
Master of body, mind and soul.


How can you be more like the tiger?

What areas of your life are meaningful enough to you that you want to master?
What does mastery in those domains look like?

How can you be more like the monk?

What thoughts, habits, behaviours and emotions would you like to cultivate and grow?

What thoughts, habits, behaviours and emotions would you like to let go off?
