Life is Short, Live It Well

"In this short Life

That only lasts an hour

How much – how little – is

Within our power."

Emily Dickinson

Your time and energy are precious,

and they are running out.

The trick is not to chase them - they are already here.

The Way is Presence.

Tuning in & Choosing.

Your potency lies in knowing & focusing on what is meaningful to you & with in your control & letting the rest be.

The serenity prayer sums it up

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

Ponder This

What's one thing you worry about that you can't control?

What's one thing you whinge about you can't (or won't) change?

Whats one thing that distracts you from what really matters?

What's could you use your imagination for that's better than worrying?

What could you use your words for that's better than whinging?

What could you focus on that's better than being distracted?

What would it feel like to make the shift?
