"Sure, at some level, every experience in life boils down to your interpretation of it.

And if you can shift your mindset, then perhaps you can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

But life is not a hallucination. You still have to deal with things. A healthy perspective can lessen the burden, but so can taking action.

A problem that is solved is one that you don't need to mentally reframe."

James Clear

We have a saying in the gym - "you don't have to feel ready, you've just got to be ready."

Sometimes the fastest way to change your mind is by taking action.

By doing the thing that you imagine you have to mentally prepare for.


Choose one thing you know you "should" do that you keep putting off.

Do it as soon as and as well as you can.

Notice what it's like to have taken strong action.

Rinse & Repeat.
