Momentum and Motivation During Lockdown

The gym is place where we train more than just our bodies 
It's a sanctuary in which we can cultivate the energy, resilience and momentum that helps us thrive during the day. 
It can be a powerful, experiential reminder of our physical and mental strength, our personal evolution and our capacity for growth. 
Being in lock-down can be quite challenging, it can be a little disorientating having a new schedule and way of being to deal with. 
Not having access to the gym can add to our sense of loss. 

But it doesn't have to be that way. 
With a little bit of reflection, creativity and discipline you can build the inner resources and outer environment to help you thrive and grow in these strange times


Why did you start training in the first place? 
What are your goals?
What would you like to achieve from being at the gym? 
These could be physical or psychological attributes, they could just be a way of feeling.
E.G Stronger, more muscular, more mobile, leaner, more energy.  Confidence, discipline, personal autonomy, achievement. A feeling of being energised, pushing your limits, honouring your health and your body by moving regularly etc, etc…

If you can get really clear on this why and it's still meaningful you’ll have some fuel for the fire. 
For some of us a strong why/goal got us into the gym but then something else took over and (whether we realised it at the time or not) we fell in love with something about the experience.

Why Do You Love Training?
What is it about the experience of hitting the gym that you really dig?
This can take some time to figure out, be patient.
Reflect on what you love about the gym - this is likely to be a combination of certain thoughts (or lack of thinking), feelings or emotions, physical sensations or a general state of being that you experience before, during or after the gym. 


Once you're clear on why you got into the gym and what you got from the gym you can set a plan to develop (or at least maintain) the qualities that support your why and create an environment that supports the thoughts, feelings and sensations that shape your experience. 

Some questions to help this process

What can you with what you've got to work toward your goals? (There's always something.)

How could you replicate some of the environmental factors that shape your gym experience? 

What internal qualities can you cultivate in the current circumstances? 


Creating plan is like drawing a map, you are no closer to your destination until your walk the path you've set out for yourself.
Have a whole hearted crack, do it for a week and reflect. 
Did it work?
Do you feel fulfilled?
Do you feel better than when you didn't do it?
What can you do to improve next week?
How can you make this new way of being even better?